5km Walk, Run, Jog
28/05/2017 22:08Congratulations to all those that supported the 5km and 1km walk run jog event on Friday 26th May either by attending or sending in a donation.
A special word of thanks to Noel Doherty who coordinated the event and to the many members of the Parents' Association who helped out in so many ways to ensure that the event went so smoothly. Thank you also to the members of An Garda Síochána who assisted with traffic on the evening, and to those who supplied the refreshments or helped out with same on the evening of the event. The total amount collected to date is €805. Your hard work is very much appreciated.
It was a beautiful evening and all enjoyed the walk/run.
Congratulations to all the winners of the race and to all our prize winners and raffle winners.
Senior Man and Senior WomanTop three boysand top three girls.
Thank you to all the local businesses that sponsored spot prizes: Raitts Hardware, Meenan's Plumbing, Hatter Tea Room, Maguire's Food store, Claire's Little Stars Pre-School, AIB bank, Foy's Ballybofey, The Book Store, McElhinney's Stores, Brid's Reflexology and massage, Beauty Secrets, The Book Club.