Calling all Parents

02/11/2015 20:25

The Board of Management has completed its four year term of office and the process of electing a new Board will take place during the month of November. A meeting to seek nominations from parents for persons to stand for elections as parents nominees to the new Board of Management will be held in the school on Wednesday (4th November) at 8pm. At this meeting nominations will be invited for both a Mothers' Panel and a Fathers' Panel. Each person must be seconded by a person in attendance at the meeting. Confirmation that a person is willing to be nominated and to stand for election should be obtained in advance.

What is the Board of Management?

The Board manages the school on behalf of the Patron, the Bishop of Raphoe. The Board is accountable to the Patron and to the Minister for Education & Skills. The Principal is responsible for the day to day management of the school, including guidance and direction of all Staff, and is accountable to the Board of Management.

How is the Board Elected?

The Patron (The Bishop of Raphoe) nominates two members. The current nominees of the Patron are Mr. Frankie Quinn (Chairperson) and Fr. Kieran Mc Ateer P.P..

The Principal is automatically a member of the Board (Mr. Fintan Keating)

The Teaching Staff nominate one teacher. (Mrs Anne Mc Dermott).

The Parents elect one Mother and one Father. The current Parents' nominees are Mrs Shauna Kelly and Mr. Martin Harley.

Two members of the community are also nominated to the Board. The current community nominees are Mrs. Jolie Mc Mullan and Mr. Gregg Smeaton.

At the meeting nominations will be invited for both a Mothers' Panel and a Fathers' Panel. Each person must be seconded by a person in attendance at the meeting. All parents are invited to participate in this important election. Ballot papers will be distrubted to all families following Wednesday's meeting. We would encourage as many as possible to attend the meeting. Each person voting will have one, non-transferable vote for each panel. The votes will be counted in public. The election shall be determined on a first past the post system. In the event of a tied vote between nominees the election shall be determined by the drawing of lots.

