Engineers Week

25/02/2015 21:38

To celebrate Engineer's Week we were offered the opportunity to have ten pupils attend a special visit to the City of Derry Airport. So ten lucky children in 5th Class went to the City of Derry Airpot on Monday 9th February. Here are three reports written by pupils after their visit.


"Yesterday I went to Derry with nine others from my school. It took about an hour and a half to get there. As soon as we got there we were greeted by a Fireman, who was our tour guide for the day.

First we ate our lunch then we went to see the fire station in the airport because the airport has a private fire station.

As soon as we came in we seen a wheel of plane from 1941 which crashed in Donegal.

We then went to the Conference room and we seen the fireman out on his suit in just twelve seconds. Then Akex tried it on and got it on in 23 seconds.

Then we went up to the control tower and seen an aeroplane land.


After about 25minutes the plane took off again for Scotland. It was a really interesting trip and would love to go on another tour of Derry Airport"

By Daniel  Sweeney Deery 5th Class


On the 9th of February 2015, ten people were chosen to go to City of Derry Airport. These people were Leah, Emily, Tim, Daniel, Ben, Alex, Dean, Sally, Aisling and Aidan. On the way to Derry we went on a minibus. When we got there, we meet Mervyn, a fireman. He gave us the tour of Derry Airport.

First we had our lunch, then after 20mins of lunch we went outside to see the firetruck squirt water that looked like fog.

The crew commander was a woman. She encouraged all the girls to become firefighters too.

We then went back inside and Mervyn told us about an aeroplane that crashed in a bog in Donegal. The man had to go to a prisoner of war camp during World War 2. The war camp were much better than the one in Germany. There was the wheel for that plane.

We went to the tower in the airport. We were the first group of children to go up there. We seen a plane land and take off which was so cool.

At the end we got a pen, wristband and teeshirts from Engineers Ireland. We then got on a big coach to go home.

Thank you Ms Cannon for organising this trip.

By Leah Kelly 5th Class


"Yesterday I went to Derry Airport with nine other children. We left school at Half eleven. It took us about an hour to get there.

When we got there Mrs Cannon took a picture of us.

Then a man called Mervyn met us, he is a firefighter. He took inside and he let us have our lunch. Then took us to leave our bags in the room. He took us outside and we seen a fire engine.

 Then we went to a control tower. We talked to him for awhile.

Then we went home.

By Emily Duffy 5th Class

