Formal raising of our 5th European Environmental Green Flag

15/06/2013 17:54

On Thursday 13th June we formally raised our 5th European Environmental Green flag . On the day special presentations were made to all of the members of last years and this year Green team members aswell as special awards to pupils who had made a very special effort.  Also a raffle was held for members of the green team. Much to everyones delight our Special guest was European Gold Medal Winning Boxer Jason Quigley. He presented the awards and spoke to the children and family members about persevering and working hard to achieve in life.

a section of the crowd who came to celebrate

Ms Gallinagh and special guests

Ms Gallinagh and Jason Quigley

Joseph Gordon and Johnny Tompson raise the green flag

special awards

special guest Conal Gallen gives the pupils a night free from homework

Mr.Keating, Principal, thanks the green team and Ms Gallinagh for their hard work and congratulats the pupils on this wonderful achievement

 and presents Jason with a token of thanks

Jason Quigley with his cousin Faith Moore

Jason Quigley with his cousins

Eithel Gordon, Joseph Gordon, Jason Quigley, Johnny Tompson, Angela Gallinagh and Conal Gallen

Pupils were treated to a talk on bicycle maintenance and water safety in the afternoon.

