Parent Teacher meetings

19/11/2014 17:59

These meetings will be held on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th November. You should have received details of the times of appointments by now. If you have not received a note with an appointment please contact the class teacher. There are a number of points which I would ask you to note in advance of the meetings..

10 minutes has been allocated for each consultation. If you feel at the end of the meeting that a further or progress update is necessary the teacher will be happy to arrange same. In some cases class teachers have arranged for Supprt Teachers to attend meetings and provision has been made for this to avoid disruption of the time schedule. 

The following teachers will be using offices in the main building for their meetings instead of the prefabricated classrooms:


Ms Duffner-1st Class- Resource Room 2

Mrs M.Cannon-3rd Clss- Resource Room 3

Mrs Dorrian-2nd/3rd Class- Resource Room 4

Ms. McNulty-2nd Class- Library

Ms McIntyre-1st Class- Science Room


I will be available throughout both days to meet with Parents. We would encourage all parents to avail of this opportunity to check on the children's progress at this stage of the year.


Fintan Keating


