RSA Streetwise

14/10/2013 21:33

Children from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th were all invited to a talk hosted by the Road Safety Authority . The children were informed about the rules of the road and rules for travelling in a car. They thoroughly enjoyed and learnt much from it. They also received a safety licence at the end of the talk.


Here one class, Mrs Dorrian's 4th Class, gives us an outline of what happened at their talk.

We went to the Vila Rose Hotel for a R.S.A talk given by Brian and Rachel.

We all wore our high visibility vests when we were walking.

We learned that you must be either 36kg or 1m and 50cm not to use a booster seat.

We learned that you walk on the right and you cycle on the left.

We watched a DVD about how to cross the road and how to pick a safe place to cross.

We took part in an awareness test to prove that it is easy to miss something that you’re not looking for. Some of us did not see the moon-walking bear!!!

There was a small town set up. We dressed up as guards, cyclists, cars, dads, walkers, lollipop lady, nurses, mums and firemen.

We had to move around the town safely and obey the rules of the road.

We also took part in a quiz. We had our picture taken for our Safety Licence.

When we were leaving we each received a pen, a key ring and a bag tag.

We all enjoyed our day.

By Mrs.Dorrian's Fourth Class


