RSA Talk

12/11/2014 10:58

The RSA has completed a few days of teaching in the school. They have made all the children aware of the dangers on the road.  One class tells us what they learned.

Wednesday the 5th of November

Ms. Mc Nulty Rang a dó. Road Safety Authority Talk

Today a lady called Louise came to speak to us about Road Safety. She showed us a powerpoint, video, played the Safe Cross Song and asked us lots of questions.

Here are some of the important things we learned:

Never cross the road on a bend.

Always look both ways while crossing the road.

Always  wear your  seatbelt.

Always  wear your  helmet when cycling.

Cycle with an adult.

Wear  your hi-visibility vest (you are 300 times more likely to be seen by a motorist.)

The  best place  to  cross is  the  Zebra-crossing.

Never  cross the  road  between two  parked  cars.

You  must have  a car seat   until you  are  5 foot tall. (you   have  to be  4  stone 6  pounds.)

Never  get out  on  the  road  side always  get  out onto  the  footpath.

Never  distract the  driver.

