School's Drama Festival

08/06/2017 22:53

Congratulations to Ms Long's 5th Class on their wonderful performance of their play "The Picnic Trick" in the Balor Theatre on Thursday 8th June as part of the School's Drama Festival. Their play had it all: drama, dance, song, poems and much more. Well done to Ms.Long and her class, they were such a credit to our school and their families.


This is what Ms. Long's pupils thought of their experience

"Our 5th class “team” enjoyed participating in the play. Some of us were sick and only had one day to learn the lines, but we managed to put on a fantastic performance.  We felt nervous beforehand, but once we said some of our lines we were in role, and we paid attention all the way through.  We all felt extremely proud of what we had accomplished. 

Teacher really enjoyed directing the play and was very proud of us as she danced alongside us in the wings!!  The judge gave us much praise and enjoyed all our different characters.  She noticed that we were happy with what we were wearing and doing.  It was a great opportunity for us to be able to perform in The Balor Theatre. 

We also got to see two other plays on the night.  It was a packed house, and the audience loved our comical sayings!  We were awarded a beautiful trophy. The play was great, and we all loved it! "    

Signed: Ms. Long’s class.


