The Christmas Factor

04/12/2014 22:04

By Junior Webmasters Ciarán and Finn

As rehersals are well underway we decided to ask the cast of the Christmas Factor how they're feeling about the exciting up coming event.

Most of the cast are very excited about going to the Balor and about saying their lines on stage . One even admited to being a little bit anxious.Apart from the main characters most other cast members have between 2-4 lines.

The cast wouldn't reveal too much about the story but it is based on the First Christmas 2000 years ago. Main roles of Joseph and Mary will be played by Alex and Cara. The impressive choir is made up from all the children in 3rd and 4th classes. The musical director is Ms.Long and the acting director is Mrs.McNulty.


The Christmas Factor will be on stage in the Balor Theatre on Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th at 8pm.Tickets now on sale €5.

