Wainfest 2016-Library visits

12/10/2016 22:28

by Junior Webmaster Teresa 5th Class


As a part of Wainfest 2016 we were lucky enough to secure two sessions. The classes that were lucky to attend these sessions were Ms. Mc Intyre's 1st Class and Mrs. McNulty's 5th Class.

Ms. McIntyre's Class went to the Library in the BASE and met Micahel from Riverwatch. The children spent the session investigating a tray of water taken from the River Finn. The used a plastic spoon to catch some of the small animals that live in the water. They were able to examine the small flies, shrimp etc for number of legs, size of body, and their swimming ability. They also got the opportunity to see and touch larger sealife like the crab and lobster. The children really enjoyed their lesson with Michael and we thank him and the library for facilitating this great session.



Ms Mc Nulty class got to the library to meet a famous author.

Teresa, a pupil in 5th Class, wrote this article for the website...

"We went on a trip to the library on Thursday the 13th of October. When we got to the library we met the author Alan Nolan from Wicklow. He then told us about his family and his dog. Thenwe drew his favourite character from his book "Fintan's Fifteen", it was a dog. Then we had a chance to ask him a couple of questions. We all really enjoyed it and we would recommend his books to you."


To find out more about wainfest click on this link www.wainfest.ie/ and to get more information on the library www.donegallibrary.ie/

