
25/05/2013 21:44

Congratulations to all the runners, walkers and joggers who took part in the 5km and 1km walks. It was a wonderful sunny evening and everyone enjoyed the exercise and the after party in the Parish Centre. Thank you to Noel Doherty and the Parents Association for organising this fantastic event. Thank you to all the businesses that provided sponsorship. Thank you to those who organised the refreshments, the marshals,  and everyone who helped out in any way. Thank you to the Parish centre for allowing us to use their facilities and the Gardaí for their assistance and of course to all the competitors for taking part and gathering sponsorship. It was a wonderful and succesful evening with a challenging 5km.

for more photos see St.MarysNs5k facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/StMarysNs5k

