Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Updated Risk Assessments to minimise the risk of being exposed to Covid-19
Methodology used for hazard identification and control
In line with the requirements of Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (section 19) it is the policy of the Board of Management in Scoil Mhuire B&C to address significant hazards and risks in the workplace, to access the risks to safety, health and welfare and to control these risks as far as is reasonably practicable.
The Board is committed to the ongoing identification of hazards, the assessment of the appropriate risks and the introduction of controls to deal with them. In addition, staff are involved and participate in safety, health and welfare issues within the school and are encouraged to identify and report any potential hazards that may exist and to ensure that a risk assessment is carried out.
This revised Risk Assessment includes all relevant updates and necessary control measures to minimise the risk of staff and others being exposed to Covid-19 and these will be incorporated into the Safety Statement for Scoil Mhuire B&C in line with requirements of section 20 of the 2005 Act.
It is envisaged that additional reviews will be undertaken on a regular basis and in line with Government and public health advice to ensure that all information remains accurate, that controls are appropriate and where necessary risks are reassessed.
A hazard is anything with the potential to cause harm to the safety, health or welfare of staff, students, visitors and contractors – a wet or slippery floor, an unguarded machine, stressful work, a blocked entrance, hazardous chemicals etc. Hazards may be classified as physical, chemical, biological, environmental or human.
A risk is the likelihood that someone will be harmed by a hazard and the severity of that harm.
Control measures:
A control measure is an applied measure that reduces the level of risk. Control measures can be applied at the planning stage, can comprise physical measures, can be management issues and can include training. Good control measures will require a combination of some or all of these.
Control measure principles:
Schedule 3 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 lists the Principles of Prevention and the Board of Management undertakes to apply these principles (where practicable) in dealing with all risks within the school:
- Avoidance of risks
- Evaluation of unavoidable risks
- Combating of risks at source
- Adaptation of work to the individual
- Adaptation of workplace to technical progress
- Replacement of dangerous articles, substances or systems of work by safe or less dangerous articles, substances or systems of work
- Priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures
- Development of an adequate prevention policy which takes account of technology, organisation of work, working conditions, social factors and the influence of factors relating to the working environment
- Appropriate training and instructions to employees.
When the safety audit identifies hazards, it is necessary to evaluate and rank them so that they can be controlled in an orderly way. The risk of a hazard is a measure of the likelihood or probability of an accident coupled with the severity of the injury or loss. The risk potential of each hazard was assessed by considering both the severity of the consequences and the probability of the event occurring. Each risk has been rated as either i) trivial or negligible, ii) medium iii) severe and serious or iv) emergency, extremely serious.
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: Negligible |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
The Board of Management will develop a response plan for the prevention and mitigation of Covid-19 following a risk assessment of the school facility. This plan will highlight the measures necessary to protect the health and safety of staff in re-opening and modifying the work arrangements within the school.
The staff representative(s) will be properly consulted when developing and implementing the action plan for the prevention and mitigation of Covid-19 within the school and all staff will be informed about the measures being introduced, using specific risk communication and staff engagement approaches.
The Board of Management will:
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? All staff, pupils, visitors, contractors, public Risk Rating with Controls: Requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
The BoM will ensure that all staff can wash their hands regularly. Hot water and appropriate santitisers (i.e. hand gel dispensers, etc.) will be available throughout the school. Staff should:
The BoM will supply required cleaning products, will ensure the correct use and storage of disinfectants and will ensure all products are stored safely and securely. No employees are permitted to attend work if they display any of the symptoms below: -
Any Staff Member displaying symptoms must self-isolate and not attend school for 14 days Any staff member living with someone who is self-isolating or waiting for a Covid-19 test must restrict their movements for 14 days. Any Staff Member who has tested positive for Covid-19 must not return to work until deemed fit to do so and upon approval of their medical advisor
The Board of Management will ensure that:
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? All staff, pupils, visitors, contractors, public Risk Rating with Controls: Requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
Physical distancing is currently a key control measure in reducing the spread of infection. The Board of Mangement will ensure that:
school, use of welfare facilities and while working in the school in so far as is practical.
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff especially cleaning staff Risk Rating with Controls: Requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
All cleaning will be undertaken in line with DES and public health guidance.
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: Requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: Requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
The correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as face shields/visors may be required in some circumstances to address identified risks of spread of the virus.
Where PPE is required by staff, they will be notified accordingly and be provided with the necessary PPE. PPE needs to be consistently and properly worn when required. In addition, it must be regularly inspected, cleaned, maintained and replaced as necessary. Current general guidance from the HSE in relation to the wearing of face coverings, masks and gloves is available at the following Link:
Face masks will be provided to all staff and must be worn when it is not possible to maintain a distance of 2 metres.
Gloves are not required generally within the workplace for infection prevention and control purposes according to current guidance.
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff, pupils, visitors Risk Rating with Controls: Requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
The Board of Management will:
If a person displays symptoms of Covid-19 the following procedure is to be implemented:
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff, pupils, visitors Risk Rating with Controls: Serious, requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
All cleaning will be undertaken in line with DES and public health guidance.
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: Serious, requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, cleaning staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
All cleaning will be undertaken in line with DES and public health guidance.
Use disposable cloths or paper roll to clean all hard surfaces, floors, chairs, door handles and sanitary fittings, using an approved and recognised detergent and disinfectant in line with the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution, aplication and contact times Disinfectants used should be effective against viruses.
Additionally: Avoid creating splashes and spray when cleaning. Any cloths used must be disposed of and should be put into waste bags as outlined below.
When items cannot be cleaned using detergents or laundered (upholstered furniture of mattresses for example) steam cleaning should be used Any items that have been heavily contaminated with bodyfluids and that cannot be cleaned by washing should be disposed of
If possible, keep an area closed off and secure for 72 hours. After this time the amount of virus
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: All staff. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
Where a staff member exhibits any signs of Covid-19 or has been exposed to a confirmed case they should not travel to work.
Wherever possible, staff should travel to work alone using their own means of transport – staff should not share transport to or from work.
If availing of public transport, sit down to minimise contact with frequently touched surfaces, handles,roofstraps,isolation bars, etc. Wear a face mask and carry hand santiser (at least 60% alcohol) and use it regularly throughout your journey.
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: Serious, requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, staff and bus drivers. Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
Arrangements for dropping off and picking up pupils from the school facility will be organised to maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe social distance between drivers/parents/guardians and all school staff.
Where pupils travel by public transport the Board of Management will provide a designated drop off/awaiting area (where possible) that supports social distancing measures.
It is expected that there will be pre-agreed arrival times for school buses.
Parents/guardians will be encouraged to wait in the car outside of the school
Identified Risks: Spread of Coronavirus Who may be affected? Staff Risk Rating with Controls: Serious, requires monitoring |
Assessment Date: End of teach term Action Implementation: Board of Management, Principal, Assessor’s Name: Mr. Roarty (Principal) |
Controls |
The Board of Management will ensure the safety and wellbeing of all visitors to the school premises.
Visits to the school will be severely restricted and visitors will be asked to:
This plan was ratified by the BOM of Scoil Mhuire B & C at its meeting on:
and is subject to change, in light of any guidance or instruction received from Department of Education and Skills/HSE Public Health.
Signed: ________________________________________
(Chairperson BOM Scoil Mhuire B & C)
Declaration of Sight
I have read and understand the contents of this document.
Signed: _________________________________ Dated: _______________________
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